Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Drive Way Hockey and Snowball Fights!

On Monday my older sister Madz, Cohen my little brother and my dad were playing drive way hockey.This is how we did it.
 #1 We made a hockey net.
 #2 We got our hockey sticks from the garage. 
#3  We had a snow ball fight and got the puck from the shed (a orange ball) 
#4  We started to play. Madz was goalie, Coco/Cohen as defence he and dad had the puck.

On Sunday I went outside and started to make snow balls. When Coco and Madz came out - pew pew pew pew - 4 big snow balls hit Madz and Coco. I started to run and then Coco ran up to the snow balls and gave some to Madz and Pew pew pew pew pew, I got hit!!
By Theo.


  1. Hey Theo that sounds amazing. In Auckland it is hot, there could be no snowman in our driveway...
    Had a great Christmas the family and have just returned from staying with my brother for 2 days. OMG all the food we ate.. need to go on bread and water to make up for it,
    love to all

  2. Sounds like quite the process, Theo! ;)
    How many goals did you score? Have you watched an ice hockey game yet?
