Monday, 28 July 2014


Our next stop was Forest Ontario. We went to stay with Ruth Ann and Peter. Ruth Ann was my writing teacher in high school and we had reconnected a few years ago. They had popped over to NZ, as one does, and stayed with us while they toured the island! They invited us to stay with them when we next came to Canada, so we did. Easy as that! They opened their home to us...literally. We stayed in the house and they stayed in their trailer. We were fed and watered in true home cooking style! We were the dinner for many deer flies as the clearly live NZ blood! Now when people say. " oh those flies..." We can say..." Yes. Bloody awful things nearly are us alive!" A true Canadian war story! Lol! 
Cohen and Theo had hit pay dirt as they had a real bow and arrow to shoot! All the kids loved it...especially the two big kids, Peter and Filo! Cohen loved all of Peter's "big boy toys." His very own tractor and digger! Peter let the boys drive it and they loved it! 
Ruth Ann had a selection of books for Madeline and she had her own room with  a cozy reading chair do she was  in heaven! 
There were lots of tales of Ruth Ann and Peter's sailing trips and of life down East.

A few people thought it different or slightly weird that I would visit, let alone stay with a former teacher. We hadn't stated in touch and it had been well over 20 years since I spoke or saw Ruth Ann, but she was a teacher you remembered because you were memorable to her! She connected. She cared and she taught you to be who you want to be without lecturing...without lessons. She showed us how to look inward to get the answer and she taught Creative Writing...there were no "right" answers! It was the beginning of finding yourself and I was fortunate to have her in my last year of high school. A year that carries so much personal and emotional weight it can make or break a kid. There were no special words of wisdom...just a feeling and a knowledge that she cared about you. She was the type of teacher you needed and need in schools and she's the type of teacher I hope I am. Connected. Caring. Present. Believe matters. 

Thanks for an amazing visit and more stories and memories for Our Fale Five! 

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