Tuesday, 12 August 2014

CN Tower and Bacon

This was a big day! The kids first streetcar and subway ride, a super high elevator ride to the top of the tower and then lunch at St Lawrence Market for the famous peameal bacon sandwich! Cohen loved the streetcar and took to it like a seasoned commuter. He asked for a newspaper so he could read on his "commute" and when I wouldn't give it to him, he went to sleep...as business do on their way to work! The subway was also a fun ride. The kids spent their time trying to stand without holding on to the rails! The subways today aren't like the ones I rode when I visited my Aunts in my youth. The lights do not go out when we go through tunnels. The subway cars area all one long car now too. Very cool and clean! The CN Tower was so much fun. Our Toronto CIty Pass helped us bypass all the queues and lines. There is a new addition since my last trip up the tower - the mechanical dog sniffers! You have to walk through these gates and then stop in the middle while strong puffs of air are blown onto your body and electronic sniffers and sensors suss you out for bombs. It went up 2 months after 9/11. The CN Tower attendant was happily explaining this to us...meanwhile in my head I am now adding terrorist plot to my list of things to be worried about while up a tower 126 or so stories high! Thanks Mr Friendly CN Tower Guy! Then my adult brain kicked in and I knew it made our trip safer...now just to worry about the normal stuff...like the elevator getting stuck! LOL! The kids loved the towers and immediately ran over to the windows to look down! We played a game of I spy that really battled my eye sight and their attention to details! LOL! We went up another level and walked on the glass floor. Again - the kids were fearless, as was Filo. I nervously stepped onto the floor with the help of Theo holding my hand. I can't say it changed my life but I've done it. This poster about the weight it can hold did little to appease my maths brain...how do I know that ll these people currently on the floor do NOT add up to 25,0000 blur jays? haha! We had a long walk to the St Lawrence Market for the famous bacon on a bun - peameal bacon! Yum! It was a long, busy and hot day but what a great addition to our holiday in Toronto! CN Tower and Bacon on PhotoPeach

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