So the teachers are still on strike here. What it means for The Fales is...disappointed kids. Who would have thought?
School is more than a place where you hope learning's the social mecca for children. We, as parents, can hope for and teach all the social graces we want, but school is their playing field. They won't be properly socialised at home being schooled by their parents.
This is not a blog on homeschooling vs the classroom. Homeschooling your children is as much a viable choice as sending your kids to school. We're not typically homeschooling. We're doing school work in our home. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Our mornings our now routined. Wake up...moan....have your breakfast and then get out your table and chair and do some work...moan...then morning tea...YAY! Back to work...moan! Then an outing of sorts and some physical activity! The afternoons are typically their own. It's hard on them though...their friends are all in the same boat, but they're mostly off in daycare or being looked after by grandparents so there aren't a lot of friends about.
It's not bad at all. Just different.
Comox is beautiful. We go out to beaches, walks, up a mountain, play sports, pick wild blackberries or plums off the tree in the backyard.
There has been science experiments, cooking lessons and fishing trips. It's a whole family approach - Bunka and Gramma lending their expertise when needed.
What this all adds up to for me as a parent? I will never accept the excuse that they "just don't want to go to school today."
What we're looking forward too? Autumn colours, pumpkin picking, Canadian Thanksgiving, carving a jack-o-lantern, Hallowe'en, and visits from Uncle Kieran.
Life is good.
Enjoy the slideshow of the normal stuff we do everyday when we're not "on holiday!" The last slide is Bunka learning how to take a selfie!
Hanging out in Comox on PhotoPeach
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