After a yummy cooked breakfast, we packed the van, for the last time. We packed the children in, for the last time. We handed over Gravol pills, for the last time and we hit the long, long road, for the last time.
Today was a big one.
Funny! We were doing both today. That statement describes our attitude as well as the roads ahead - the Coquihalla! What goes up...must come down...and whoever said coming down a "hill" is easier than going up, is giving Pinnochio a run for his money!
My mantra, inside my head, as I was being brave mummy today, was nothing short of the Little Engine who Could. I think I can, I think I can... and I never said, I know I could...until I was on the ferry going over to the Island.
Our poor Dodge Caravan got a work out...bumpy brakes... dreaded downhills...followed by a wee climb only to go downhill again...then into a thrilling tunnel (hold your breath)...around a curvy bend...down few more "hills" ....through more tunnels...more curves...gearing down to 30 to make it safely...and... we were on flat ground.
Joyous at the sight of the highway...traffic didn't bother me as we were all on a level playing field, and I mean LEVEL!
We made it to the Ferry Terminal and waited in line...we had all our fingers and toes crossed that we would make it onto the next crossing or it meant a 4 hour wait...I don't think there are enough Skittles and chocolate for that...these kids wanted out...they needed out! We needed them out! haha!
Our line began to move and we excitedly stop-started our way...closer to the front...with each car that made it on...was another chance we wouldn't, until...we were at the front of the line. This was it. Will we make it? He starts with lane 1 - we were at the front of Lane 5. One by one he let the fist car in each lane on...stopping just enough between each car to keep us all guessing. Lane 4...they got on and the girls in that car all whooped with joy! Our turn. There was a pause, that seemed eternal, and then the wave you hope for...proceed! I almost floored it...just in case he changed his mind...and with one last bump...we were on the ferry, heading back to Comox. Almost home.
The 2 big kids walked around the ferry...the freedom to be moving forward and being able to move at the same time...what a wonderful invention! They were so pleased to not be in the van! The ferry ride was smooth, sunny and had just enough movement to relax me - to ready me for our last jaunt in the van.
I felt like the meanest mother ever putting those kids back in the van. It was only a 90 minute drive...but they just wanted it over.
We were pros now. I could do this drive with my eyes closed! We were halfway home when we noticed other cars diverting and driving over the grassy median - even though there are signs clearly stating the opposite! What could it mean? One person driving over the median means they made a mistake...2...well it's conceivable...but this many...accident. was. A big one. Luckily we could see nothing as we waited for our legal turn to cross over the highway...go back about 2 kilometres to the next off ramp, and take the old highway. At least there was an old high way!
We headed home, once again. We turned the corner to cross the bridge into Comox.
Driving along the Dyke road felt familiar and it was all I could do to not speed...but, as you could tell from my earlier statement, I am a law abiding citizen, so I stuck to the speed limit despite the lead, weighing my foot down onto the accelerator.
5 minutes and we would be there. Gramma and Bunka would be there. Our toys would be there. Our own beds would be there. We would no longer be, on the road. We would be still.
We turned down Cooke Ave and we saw balloons. Lots of balloons, welcoming us back! Then the excited faces of grandparents and I swear Cohen was out of the van before it stopped! Theo and Madeline peeled out next and then the parents. As Cohen said..." hugs, kisses, cuddles, toys then sleep." And it happened in that order. Except we snuck in some home cooking in there.
And that, my friends and family, is our Fale Family Road Trip, in a word or two!
It was an experience. It was a trip of a lifetime. It was amazing.