Monday 21 April 2014

Easter Break

The kids have a long weekend because of Easter. Uncle Kieran came over from Vancouver to hang out with us. We did all sorts of things. Basketball games, decorated eggs, hid a carrot for the Easter Bunny, woke up to lots of chocolate and candy on Easter morning and got some new kites from Gramma and Bunka's friends, Stuart and Jean. Theo went to a friend's house so we headed out to Air Force Beach to fly the kites and watch the Snowbirds. Cohen was an expert in kite flying and I had to choose between watching him and watching the Snowbirds perform their aerial tricks! Both were amazing. Enjoy the movie about Cohen flying his kite.

Air Force Beach from The Fales on Vimeo.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Jam Can!

On the weekend Theo took part in a curling weekend. It was called Jam Can. They used coffee can filled with cement instead of the real rocks. The real rocks are way too heavy. There were a lot of kids who took part and Theo made new friends. What a great opportunity....another Canadian experience! Theo's Curling Weekend on PhotoPeach

Spring Birds Arrive

The hummingbirds are back. It's amazing hearing the buzz of their wings and watching them feed. Amazing wee creatures. The last photo is of a crow...of which there are many. Birds in Our Garden on PhotoPeach