Tuesday, 11 March 2014

School in Canada

All three kids go to Aspen Park Elementary School. It is a big school and Madeline and Theo both have a locker which makes them feel like they're in high school. 

On Friday there was a Leadership Assembly. All the children sang their school song. The parents got to visit the classes and the children got to share their learning. 

Theo's class was in music and they were doing drumming. It was really great to see them playing and they have a very energetic teacher who gets them all going.

Madeline's class were doing Rube Goldberg inventions with their younger buddy class. There were a lot of failed experiments but they really cool thing was that the kids were problem solving the whole way along. 

We didn't get to see Cohen's class as they had a new teacher start that day, but we see Cohen's classroom everyday. His class is learning all about Dr Seuss books and are having a Green Eggs and Ham day! 

The school follows the 7 habits of effective leadership and learning and the principal does a new display every term. It's pretty neat.

Friday March 14th is their last day of school and then they are off for 2 weeks. We used to call it March Break but it's also called Spring Break.

We are heading over to Vancouver to hang out with Uncle Kieran and Uncle Christopher will fly in for a few days as well. 

Leave us a comment and feel free to ask questions.

Love the KiwiCanadian Fales


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