Cohen and his lego friend! |
Theo and lego scuba man. |
We are on Spring Break and are over on the mainland in Vancouver. The kids love taking eh water taxis around town. IThey are so low to the water and are small and cute...if a boat can be cute. So far we have visited Granville Island. Theo and Madeline played in the arcade and Cohen went in the bog playground maze. On Tuesday we went to Science world. The kids all had fun exploring all sorts of activities. Cohen loved the lego display -lego everywhere! Madeline liked the animals exhibit and now wants a snake as a pet...not on NZ eh! Theo loved all the strength and endurance activities.
Madeline and her lego friend. |
Today we are heading to an indoor amusement park at BC Place.
Enjoy the pics!
Science World. |
Theo on the water taxi, |
Cohen on the water taxi |
Madeline and Theo sitting up front for the bumps. |
View of the water from the taxi, |
Cohen in the playground maze. |
Mum and Cohen selfie! |
Our water taxi
I just love all your photo's. Have you been out to Capilano Suspension Bridge yet that's quite amazing. All 4 of us have been on it at different times and I believe you get a certificate for crossing over it. I loved the Science Museum when I was in Vancouver I took the Monorail around and visited many places.